Game Engagement

Looking for a way to get more users involved in your game?

Meet the expectations of gamers by utilizing numerous Hive functions developed over many years of experience.

  • Terms & Conditions

    Protect game users' rights and follow applicable laws and regulations. You must inform them about the terms and conditions and gain their approval.

  • Campaign Banner

    Actively utilize campaign banners to communicate key information to game users.

  • Coupon

    Offer coupons that can be redeemed both online and offline, as well as provide a history management system.

  • Leaderboard

    A game rating function can help you enhance user participation and satisfaction.

  • Matchmaking

    Match PvP opponents using random or score-based methods in multiplayer games.

  • Chat

    A chat service that handles abuse and screening. Freely choose the public and the amount of people.

  • User Engagement

    Provide coupons, induce game access via SMS, or push for commercial objectives.

  • Community

    Create a game-specific community that supports UI, postings, and user management without the need for separate development.

  • Customer Service

    We offer in-game and web versions of the customer center, which is handled using a distinct authorization system from the game.